Monday, November 2, 2009

Something comfortable

looking at the christmas reddish flower and the purplish forget me not flower on my desk makes my sight comfortable today.
Listening to light and relaxing songs from David Archuleta, Tom Baxter makes me emotionally calm.
I suppose there will be lots of things could pull a person down in a day.
The matter of how you get yourself out of it, its pretty much depends on yourself..whether you want to do it or not.
Try to pull yourself out of current situation for sometime could help you gain some different tots. It may help you in your difficulties sometimes.

Carless, Speechless and Pointless

K i lead a life without a car in a BEAUTIFUL country that has the worst public transport facilities.dont ever think of the FANTASTIC taxi cause it has also the highest rape case from taxi driver in this country.-->Carless
Then i had the most FABULOUS mind own business S******* in the world that no one had ever had. Its raining and i have to get my ****i** ways back home.Even though this HANDSOME is going back to the same way-->Speechless
I am nothing but FANTABULOUSLY kind of pissed. no i am not pissed, i am just EXTREMELY stress, tired, exhausted, drained out on selfish and money minded humanity because they just cant realise that they cant bring the useless money into their grave.---->Pointless

Country... Family... Life....

I had no idea what is all this for.. people in this world.. did you just work for money and you let the money get over your brain till you forgot what is the most important thing in life?
Have they ever try to GO BACK TO BASIC?
means.. back to the days where we had no fashionable cloths, no world class food, none of all those luxurious items that you wanting now? ARE YOU DEAd BACK THERE?
No! you are still alive.. but why you seems like dying without all those? why people are struggling without money?you forgotten that what's most important is not money.. is YOU and your FAMILY or FRIENDS...

Human.. just cant accept the changes that has vastly bring them down from the highest pit. Why not just try to flash back some of the days, back to the basic from where you came from.Since you can come from 0 to something then what's so hard for you back from Something to Nothing. Just a few alphabetically difference.

alright i just have to admit this is a place for me to throw all the shitty things of my days.