Monday, May 25, 2009


Yeah, i am still alive...
almost dead from the fever.. god knows what happen to me.
Getting sick once a month? due to the place i stay? some sort of bacteria caused?
i hope its not due to rat's ... gosh.. that vaccine only available in Korea..
i am hating myself. didnt i? forget bout it..
Many things have planned ahead.. and got canceled with slight unwillingness but many plans came up suddenly.. who knows.. what is going to happen the next moment..
He came to me and said " Hey are you alright? you have been very sick recently? you should go and consult doctor for a detailed check up. Please take care of your health its very important"
out of sudden, i felt that he is a caring person. Anyway.. though i didnt drink the tea he prepared for me, i didnt take the breakfast he prepared for me, i didnt read the health book that he offered me and i didnt look at him when i pass by but wish to say thank you to you HERE.. wahahahah which i dont think he would ever see this. It sounds bad but i knew that i am right not to giving him empty hope. Take it easy la.. She closed the heart's door due to him. What for you treat her so well where you not going to gain anything in the end? No trust but lust, no gain but pain.
i have plenty of plans up coming.. Weekend to Umaiya with Laypeng, i guess this is my 6th time to Umaiya buffet in this year.. is it? no.. anyway.. its the 6th or 7th time to this restaurant. Then Monday will have a gathering with Creden's friend. Tuesday got buffet in Jogoya with family. 20th of June going to genting with Scope colleagues. 19th of July going to Cameron with friends.
i doubt that my body can take it. Can i? no idea..

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