Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It has been quite sometime

Cant remember that how long haven had the time to sit down comfortably and rest with peace of mind. It has been really hectic of life. Recently had really bad dreams at night, waking up feeling fatique. That's really oweful.
Trying to recall of the dream but cant really remember what i had in it. Just leaving tones of odd feelings that makes my emotion fluctuate.
It should be something like a story of both lovers, women that fall in love with a man that is not that into it. I think i was in that women's situation when i dreamt of this love story and the disappointment feeling left in my body when i woke up.
The feeling of couldnt reach a level of understanding between lovers, bad treatment from friends, unhappy childhood and family hood.
Well.. hoping to pull it off at times.. i guess it takes time.
I think it has been quite sometime that i didnt really rest myself. I am drained out and totally souless.

Its the beginning of 2010, and i cant remember when was the last time i lie on my bed resting with hassel free.
It has been quite sometime that i didnt had a real conversation with my closest one.
It has really been quiet sometime that i didnt really had a chance to sleep well.
and lastly, i guess
it has been quite sometime that i have lost myself. . .

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