Wednesday, January 13, 2010

That's just something that i have to take it

Moving to new team, finally had a chance to take year end leave and CNY leave. Who knows boss just change his management saying people who have kids has the priority during school holidays. This has just freaks me off. Jumping out from previous team because of all this ridiculous rules. End up face the same path.

Is that just life? I often cant get what i want and i just have to force myself to adapt what is given and what is in front. That's just so heart breaking when things just keep repeating and i had to adjust myself to accept and adapt to unwanted desire and things again and again.

When i was 12, i told myself that all the hard life i face now will have and edge of it. Life will get better when i graduate from highschool cause i will get my freedom.

When i turn into my Uni, i met my first love life and i suffer in it. Well, that's really an unexpected path. I thought that i will be studying abroad like my siblings. Something that i have been awaiting so much but it turn out to be a disappointment Uni and love life.

When i started to work, its even more dramatic.

All i can see is, someone just has to force us to learn how to adapt. At one point you may tot you have actually pass your examination but its actually One down , more to come.

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