Wednesday, April 29, 2009

He and She, 她与他

   “我啊,一个人又要做工看店又要看孩子,我真得不懂我是那么的厉害。他只会和朋友喝茶谈天打牌什么都不管”。她的嘴里总是露出很多抱怨,每次都会把多年前的事情办出来告诉身边的人她坎坷的人生。而他,也许因为老了,很少说话。 很多时候都很沉默,也没了以前的坏习惯。不打牌,少骂人反而多了一些不同的爱好; 比如说喜欢自己在厕所拿着镜子剪头发,与朋友玩中国棋。
他们曾经很有钱可是后来他因为生意失败而破产.他们常因钱吵架,她说" 我都不懂为什么会有人像他那样,那么容易信任别人". 他虽然破产可是还有办法把3个孩子送出国读书而她也有机会在英国参加女儿的毕业典礼.
孩子大了,经济可让她到处旅行而他因为还背着破产令10多年来也没旅行. 他每天都载女儿上班,载儿子上下学.这么多年来, 风雨不改也没什么埋怨. 她时常与友人出外唱歌聚会,他大多数在家看报纸. 可是,她嘴里还是不停的说" 当年我真命苦, 又要裁缝又要看孩子日子过的真酸."
他富有的时候不会吝啬家人,现在没有工作所以靠的是孩子的家用.她多年来都掌控着孩子给的钱, 每个月给点他.可是,这也没办法令她改变因为嘴里依然有当年的哭诉和不满.尖酸的话依然很多.
希望她能了解过去的没人能改变,以后的没人能掌握,现在应该可以做的应该是珍惜吧?上一代爷爷和奶奶,把仇恨与悲伤带进泥土, 希望这一代别跟随可是能吗?他曾经很大男人,太少关心家人可是老了也有改变,而她手里握着的杯从未放下过.
他与她就是我爸和我妈.. . . .


i made a mistake today. I should have ask dad to drop off my little brother first instead of letting me off to office first. I reached early and the user came in at 9.30am. i shouldnt make him so rush. Sigh stupid me... becoz of 选择性错折症。i keep thinking of what to do in the car and worried the user and also the stupid management people. Well, this is the last time i guess. I have changed to new environment and new team. Flexible working hour and more freedom in maturity. Sorry dad and brother.. you guys will be my first priority next time. 


她终于生了孩子,这孩子她等了很久也试了很多方法。好可惜,她与家婆关系不好导致家婆不愿意帮她照顾刚出生的婴儿。 她以为妈妈会帮她,以为妈妈一定会体谅。可是,妈妈吐出不愿意的念头。妈妈的原因居然是她不想被绑着,照顾哥哥的孩子已经觉得没自由所以她不想再多照顾一个。现在的心情很酸, 不知道是因为担心她的孩子还是觉得 妈妈那样对她而觉得失望。 希望不要恢复以前那样没和气与冷淡。 这几天,妈妈不断在找出那孩子有多难带的地方, 不断的在怨。唉,这就是人类的自私吗?当你不愿做一件事,你会千方百计的找出可以拒绝的理由。还是她不懂得自足常乐。 她去过很多国家,曾经很富有, 可是她还是很多埋怨。有谁可以改变她呢? 改变她又会有什么结果?但是,她的埋怨和思想会影响身旁的人。不管我有多么的心烦和不悦,我也没办法该变。不是我不愿去尝试,而是我清楚的知道我在家中的地位就如人类与狗。我喊,也许有人听到可是有没有人去注意我想传达的讯息是一回事,又有没有人去用心去了解也是另一回事。 如果你的狗,你不去用心去听或了解他表达的讯息你是不会懂它的反应代表什么。我拿狗来形容自己应该很废吧。我也这样觉得。哈哈哈哈哈

Friday, April 24, 2009

两年来,多难挨也挨了,多难听的也算了,多难过也过了。身边不懂的还以为我很强, 有些却希望我可以坚强多一些。
真的觉得回了小学, 可是小学也开兴过这。 那种被绑着,监视着的感觉快令我窒息。活动的范围都被约束得好小。
好想哭,可是没时间去哭。每天都很累, 很累。
好想休息, 可是每逢周末都很忙。真的很想完全让自己什么都不想不担心, 看不见,听不到。 因为我真得很累,累倒我觉得身体每一寸都疲倦。
要不是因为合约的束绑, 我应该也离开了,可现在我必须忍。
每天在努力控制和压抑自己的愤怒。很希望有方法发泄,很渴望有个地方可以完全让我平静。 那会是那儿?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hectic and pik Chic

i didnt really sleep well last night. As usual, i am having insomnia for MONTHS!!.. but Its happy to see him once i open my eyes.. he is there looking at me with a smile. I knew he is going to sleep after a long hour of night shift support, then i said " dear dear, go change your cloths please..."after that i heard both of them , Beh beh and dear dear is laughing.. well.. i guess.. they are both expecting me to say that and they laughed when the expected result are met... hahaha..
On my way out, M called asking bout the floating machine.. i told him i am working at 10. he keep asked lots of question that D did not make it clear to both of us. I asked him to confirm with D as he should know better. My luck isnt good today, federal highway is quite jam. For god sake, i reached office in 5 minutes after asking my colleague sent out the late notification. When i was trying to take out the floating machine, a wonderful brainless women called me and asked" Lauren, why are you here? isnt it you suppose to be in the training?" i really feel like telling her.. your beloved dog never gave me a clear idea what is the schedule and plan for today. Then i head over to another building for the training. I got to know then, the beloved retarded sent out the schedule on sunday, 9pm!!!!! saying that there is a training at 10am on monday!!!! i am really speechless towards him. No sms, no call and he expect that the email he sent would flow from the fiber optic to the satelite and to my brain , just some how i guess.. i wonder how does his brain works..and just becoz of that, out of no where, and no reason i was question by a wonderful brainless women.
Well, i did had a nice lunch with my lunch gang.. but night mares isnt over yet.. after lunch.. i head back to the room and continue my work with those people.. human... dunno from what species are they.. the moment.. they started the project.. their mouth, brain, vains all..mess up together.. Group A keep questioning, finding fault, Group B keep defending and fighting back.. Group C some how sometimes.. will hitted by the bullet .. and then.. started to look for solution.. what a day with all this humans.. they are just impatience, hot tempered, and not passionate..
i dont know how long i can stand all this.. they could make me so stress in the room cause i am the so call BABY sitting the user.. my wonderful brainless superior.. would be very sensative if there is a slight mistake occur.. this could really make my constipation become severe...
i have no time to refill water.. no time to rest.. no time to eat even i am hungry.. after the day .. i felt dizzy and exhausted.... i am truely drained out
HR called.. 2 job vacancy is waiting for me.. 2 managers request to interview me.. SCM release specialist or production support front line.. shall change my job? or shall i continue with this group of what.. i dunno.. i cant find a word to describe human in that form.. for god sake!!!
oh.. i think its time for me to sleep.. its just so liveless working there.. i spent the whole day for that job.. and yet i am truely deeply understand that brainless superior will not see that.. people always see the dark spot .. i am tired coz i knew that my effort is invisible..
Dear dear said, its her problem to question me that way, Its the dog's problem to sent out email that time.. he is right.. but after all.. i was the one to be blame..
forget bout it.. its 11.12.. i have to sleep.. today's smelly shit will be flush away as tomorrow will be another challenging day. if i were to keep today's headache towards tomorrow.. then i will add on my burden caused there will be some other disaster ahead, so why not.. let it go right~~~
lets shout" YOU ALL ARE REALLY A PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!" and go to bed..
its just a day of less fortunate... caused.. there are still many things and people that makes me feel happy in this world.. the rest of you can go to hell.. when your time is here.. got it!!!! YOU ... brainless... and WONDERFUL!!!!
opps... am i too rude.. sorry.. .
Oh my god.. i cant imagine myself writing my dairy in here.. first time.. i used to write it in my dairy.. and leave it there.. somewhere.. lost it.. HAHAHAHHAHA
ok.. should end now..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yee... i am first time >_<

well.. this is my first blog ... as mentioned in my title.. i am shy.. ~~yeeee...dont look at me~~...
Since its the first time.. i really had no idea what to write ( a very common and boring opening, right =.=") but seriously.. i dunno what to say and what to write,
english level 0.5,
chinese level 0.5,
malay level 0.1 ,
indian level 0.001,
japanese level 0.3.....
All add together cant even reach 10.. how how how....
i am bad in math and poor in any language writing.....but i am 100% not Retarded !!! hahahhaa
i have no idea.. what a blog really mean for..
i was told that it is for people to express themselves keep them busy..
some say its a dustbin to throw words for nothing.... just simply..
but for me... as i am crazy soon you will see.
dont ask.. cannot comment.. i got H5N1 that will transfer via fiber optic....hahahhaha