Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yee... i am first time >_<

well.. this is my first blog ... as mentioned in my title.. i am shy.. ~~yeeee...dont look at me~~...
Since its the first time.. i really had no idea what to write ( a very common and boring opening, right =.=") but seriously.. i dunno what to say and what to write,
english level 0.5,
chinese level 0.5,
malay level 0.1 ,
indian level 0.001,
japanese level 0.3.....
All add together cant even reach 10.. how how how....
i am bad in math and poor in any language writing.....but i am 100% not Retarded !!! hahahhaa
i have no idea.. what a blog really mean for..
i was told that it is for people to express themselves keep them busy..
some say its a dustbin to throw words for nothing.... just simply..
but for me... as i am crazy soon you will see.
dont ask.. cannot comment.. i got H5N1 that will transfer via fiber optic....hahahhaha

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